Music Crowdfunding

German Version

Do you like electronic music or are you interested in the online music scene? Then be one of the first and support the Traex Online Label Project with small amounts through a crowdfunding service or sponsor. You get the releases of the site first and free of charge as well as current news about the further development of Traex.

Traex is active on two crowdfunding services, Steady HQ and Patreon. Both services allow to support the project with small amounts or as a sponsor. In return, you can choose from rewards and receive the new releases. If you have an idea for a reward, an idea for which you would support Traex, then share it. If it is feasible, this reward can be created.

More information about the project Traex can be found here in the website, within the videos below and at the crowdfunding pages. In the crowdfunding pages you can also find information about the rewards:
Traex @ Steady und Traex @ Patreon.

You can also support the project by simply sharing the website or by connecting through the linked social networks. Crowdfunding sites and videos can also be shared.

Here are the videos. The first video is short and introduces primarily the music genres available at Traex. The second video explains the whole project, where Traex is active on the web and why you should support the project.

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